Los videos aquí corresponden con quién es Joaquin Ruiz hoy, luego de más de 40 años entregado a la danza y a descubrir lo que significa el Flamenco para él mismo. En su camino, encuentra puertas que se abren, maneras distintas de entender, de enseñar, de bailar y de integrar múltiples influencias y puntos de vista. Su baile honesto, el cual no necesita maquillajes de ningún tipo, representa improvisaciones indelebles, efímeras e irrepetibles.
These videos present Joaquin Ruiz today, after more than 40 years of dedication to dance and to understanding what Flamenco means to him. On this road, he has opened door and different ways of understanding, of teaching, of dancing, and of integrating multiple influences and perspectives. The honesty in his dance needs no make-up, of any sort. The videos show unrepeateable yet unforgettable improvisations.
These videos present Joaquin Ruiz today, after more than 40 years of dedication to dance and to understanding what Flamenco means to him. On this road, he has opened door and different ways of understanding, of teaching, of dancing, and of integrating multiple influences and perspectives. The honesty in his dance needs no make-up, of any sort. The videos show unrepeateable yet unforgettable improvisations.